Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure – Coulombs Theory

The obliquity angles at the wall and on the failure plane are of opposite sign in the passive case, as opposed to the active case. In the Coulomb theory, a plane failure surface is assumed for the passive case as well, but the critical plane is the one with the lowest passive thrust. As shown in Fig. 1, the failure plane is at a much smaller angle to the horizontal than in the active case.

Figure 1 depicts the force triangle. The passive resistance ‘Pp’ can be calculated using the following terminology:

        …..(as in active case)

From the triangle of forces,

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure - Coulomb’s theory
fig 1

Substituting for W,

           ….(eqn 1)

The minimum value of Pp is obtained by differentiating eqn 1 with respect to θ
equating to zero, and substituting the corresponding value of θ.

The value of Pp so obtained may be written as :


Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure  Formula

Kp being the coefficient of passive earth pressure.

For a vertical wall retaining a horizontal backfill and for which the friction is equal to φ,
α = 90°, β = 0°, and δ = φ, and Kp reduces to,

For a smooth vertical wall retaining a horizontal backfill,
α = 90°, β = 0° and δ = 0°,

which is the same as the Rankine value.

As with the active case, it is possible to start with the fundamentals in this simple case.

(θ + φ) takes the place of (θ – φ) and (45° + φ/2) that of (45° – φ/2) in the work relating to
the active case.

Also Read : Culmann’s Graphical Method
Also Read : Skempton’s Pore Pressure Parameters

Coulomb’s theory with a plane surface of failure is only valid if the wall friction in relation to passive resistance is zero. When wall friction is present, the passive resistance obtained by plane failure surfaces is much higher than that obtained by assuming curved failure surfaces, which is closer to the truth. With increasing wall friction, the error increases. As a result, there are errors on the unsafe side.

Curved failure surface for estimating passive resistance
fig 2

Terzaghi (1943) proposed a more rigorous type of analysis based on the assumption of a curved failure surface (logarithmic spiral form) similar to those shown in Fig 2.

According to Terzaghi, the error introduced by assuming plane rupture surfaces instead of curved ones in estimating the passive resistance is not significant when δ is less than (1/3)φ ; however, when δ is greater than (1/3)φ , the error is significant and thus cannot be ignored. This situation necessitates the use of Terzaghi’s curved rupture surface analysis; alternatively, Caquot and Kerisel’s (1949) charts and tables may be used. Below table and fig 3 show extracts from such results.

Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure From Curved Failure Surfaces

δ ↓ φ → 10° 20° 30° 40°
1.42 2.04 3.00 4.60
φ/2 1.56 2.60 4.80 10.40
φ 1.65 3.00 6.40 17.50
-φ  0.72 0.58 0.54 0.52



Chart for passive pressure coefficient
fig 3

Sokolovski’s (1965) method could also be used. This produces essentially the same results as the previous method. Theoretical predictions for passive resistance with wall friction are not as well supported by experimental evidence as those for active thrust, and thus cannot be relied upon as much. In this regard, Tschebotarioff (1951) presents the results of a few large-scale laboratory tests.

Authored by: Vikrant Mane

Vikrant Mane is a civil engineer by education but has found his passion in SEO. He works as an SEO specialist, helping websites grow with smart strategies and useful content.

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