Distemper Paint

Distemper paint is a type of water-based paint that is widely used. White chalk and thinner are common ingredients in distemper paints. The base material used in the creation of distemper is white chalk.

They are popular and in high demand since they are significantly less expensive than other types of paints. Furthermore, they are available in both paste and powdered form.

Interior walls are usually painted with distemper paint. They can be used on both plastered and white-washed surfaces.

distemper paint

Types of Distemper Paints

The most commonly used and available distemper paints are mentioned below.

  • Oil Bound Washable Distemper
  • Washable Oil Free Distemper
  • Non-washable Distemper/ Emulsion Paints


  • In comparison to other paints, the layer of distemper paint is thick and brittle.
  • Because of the porous nature of the paint coating, it can be applied even to freshly plastered surfaces.
  • They’re easier to work with than regular paints.
  • They are quite easy to apply, although they are not as long-lasting as other paints.

Also Read : How to Paint a Plastered Surface: Tips to Get You Started
Also Read : How to Paint Woodwork : Steps to Get You Started

How to Apply Distemper Paint on Wall?

The application of distemper paint is really simple. Even a novice may easily paint the surface if properly directed. The following are the steps involved in the application process:

  • Surface Preparation
  • Priming Coat
  • Final Coat

Surface Preparation

The surface area is thoroughly cleaned and rubber before applying distemper. If you’re painting a freshly plastered surface, be sure it’s completely dry before applying the paint; if it isn’t, wait until it is.

If the application is to be done on an old surface, the surface should be thoroughly cleansed with water. Ensure that any patches and faults have been removed and cleaned.

If the current surface has any cracks, they should be sealed with putty.

Priming Coat

There are no specific instructions for applying the primer coat. On the prepared surface, apply a primer coat according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Final Coat

Depending on the quality of the surface, two to three coats of distemper paint are usually sufficient. It’s important to make sure the surface is completely dry before applying each coat.

If you apply the next coat before the preceding coat hasn’t fully dried, the surface may acquire defects.

Distemper Paint Price

The cost of distemper varies according on the type. Distempers can cost anywhere from 40 – 4000 Rupees/kg (depending upon the brand, properties and various factors).

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