Joint Sealer : Types and Properties

What is Joint SealerĀ 

When the construction joints or expansion joints are filled with sufficient amount of joint fillers, sealing materials are used to properly seal the top of joints which are called as joint sealer.

Types of Joint Sealer

  • Bitumen Sealer
  • Rubber-Bitumen Sealer, etc..

1. Bitumen :

They are generally made up of mixture of bitumen and mineral fillers or other inert materials. To pour readily on joints they need to be heated properly.

Care should be taken while heating. Excess heating can result in damaged material.

2. Rubber Bitumen :

These sealers are generally composed of mixture of rubber and bitumen. They are generally more superior than the normal bitumen sealer.

Rubber bitumen sealers require special and controlled heating technique, otherwise they might get damaged.

Properties of Joint Sealer

These sealing compounds should possess following properties

  • They should be impermeable
  • They should withstand the weathering effects, moreover they should be flexible.
  • The joint sealer material should not brittle in cold season or flow away in hot season.

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