Stress Strain Curve For Mild Steel
Stress strain curve for mild steel consists of strain along x-axis and stress along y-axis. Stress strain curve for mild steel have 6 stages.
Stress strain curve for mild steel consists of strain along x-axis and stress along y-axis. Stress strain curve for mild steel have 6 stages.
The most common abbreviation used in civil engineering are as following: A.A.S.H.T.O – American Association of state highway Transport Official. A.C.I – American Concrete Institute. A.R.E.A – American Railway Engineering Association. A.B – Anchor Bolt Or Asbestos Board. AC – Asphalt Concrete. A.S.C – Allowable Stress of concrete. A.S.T.M – American society for testing materials. … Read more
Detailed Cement Concrete Specification : The detailed cement concrete specification give information about quality and the quantity of the materials, proportion of mortar, workmanship, method of preparation and execution of work etc. The cement concrete specification is properly prepared which makes it easy on site for execution of cement concrete work. Coarse Aggregates : Course aggregate … Read more
Land Acquisition Act deals with law to acquire the land for Public purpose and for Companies or Society. Land Acquisition Act was established in 1894.
Plumbing system is one of the important aspect of the building, house or any other structure. Plumbing system should be executed under skilled plumbers.
Rate analysis means determination of the rate of particular item of work per unit from the rate of quantities of materials, rate of labours and other works.
Brickwork specification specifies the nature and the class of the work, materials to be used in the work, workmanship etc. It is very important for the work
Types of Value – Scrap Value, Salvage Value, Market Value, Book Value, Potential Value, Sedimental Value, Speculation Value, Distress Value, Accomodation Value
There are 5 stages in the life cycle of construction project – Initiation, Planning, Execution, Performance and Monitoring, Closure of Construction Project.
Diaphragm wall is method of creating cast in-situ reinforced concrete retaining wall using slurry supported trench method, Hence they are also known as slurry walls.