Types of Scaffolding in Construction

Different Types of Scaffolding Used in Construction Industry

Scaffolding Definition ?

The scaffolding is a temporary structure (usually of timber or steel) having platform raised for the workers as the building increases in height. An ordinary scaffolding consist of standards, ledgers, putlogs, transoms, braces, bridle, guard rail, tee board. Depending on the work conditions, different types of scaffolding are used.
We have mentioned below the list of most common types of scaffolding used in the construction of any structure.

Types of Scaffolding 

1. Single Brick-Layers Scaffolding.

single scaffolding

This is the most common type of scaffolding and is widely used in the construction of brick work. This type of scaffolding is, sometimes known as putlog scaffolding. Its is mostly used for brick masonry construction. This types of scaffolding consist of various scaffolding parts such as :
Scaffold : A temporary structure consisting of standards, putlogs, ledgers which are generally made up of bamboo, timber or metal to provide a working platforms for workmen and materials in the course of construction, maintenance, repairs and demolition, and also to support or allow hoisting and lowering of workmen, their tools and materials.
Standard or Upright : A vertical member used in the construction of scaffold for transmitting the load to the foundation.
Ledger : A horizontal member which ties the standard at right angles and which may support putlogs and transoms.
Putlog / Boarer : A scaffolding member spanning from ledger to ledger or from ledger/ standard to a building and upon which the platform rests.

Transom : A member spanning across ledgers/ standards to tie a scaffold transversely and which may also support a working platform.
Brace : A member fixed diagonally across two or more members in a scaffolding to afford stability.
Bracing : Bracing is a system of braces or ties that prevent distortion of a scaffold.
Guard Rail : A horizontal rail secured to uprights and erected along the exposed edges of scaffolds to prevent workmen from falling.
Toe-Board : A barrier placed along the edge of the scaffold platform and secured there to guard against the falling of material and equipment.
Base Plate : Base plate is used so that the  standard/ poles do not get inserted into the ground due to the heavy load on the top of the scaffold boards due to the masons. These base plates are generally made up of hard metal.

2. Double or Mason’s Scaffolding.

double scaffolding

This scaffolding is stronger than single scaffolding type and is used in the construction of stone work. This type of scaffolding is sometimes known as independent scaffolding. As seen in the above picture there are 2 rows of standards used in the construction of this scaffolding. One row is placed just next to wall and other row is placed 1.2 to 1.5 meter from the wall.

3. Cantilever or Needle Scaffolding.

cantilever scaffolding

This type of scaffolding is used under the following circumstances :
  • When the ground is weak to support the standards.
  • When the construction for the upper parts of a multi- storyed building is to be carried out.
  • When the ordinary scaffolding will obstruct the traffic on road such as for a building on the side of a busy street.


4. Suspended Scaffolding.

suspended scaffolding

This is a light weight scaffolding used for repair works such as painting, pointing, white washing, distempering etc of the exterior surface of the building. The working platform is suspended from the roof by means of wire ropes, chains etc. The platform can be raised or lowered at any desired level.

5. Trestle Scaffolding.

trestle scaffolding

This type of scaffolding is used for painting and small repair works inside the room upto a height of 5 metres.

6. Steel Scaffolding.

steel scaffold

It is similar to timber scaffolding except that wooden members are replaced by steel tubes and rope lashings are replaced by couplets or fittings. Such a scaffolding type can be easily erected and dismantled. It is strong and more durable, but the initial cost is high.

7. Patented Scaffolding.

patented scaffold

Now-a-days, the various patented scaffolding types are made of steel with special types of couplings and frames are available. Usually, the working platform is supported on a bracket which can be adjusted to any suitable height. Moreover the bottom of the standards are fixed with wheels so that it can be moved from one place to other within no time.

General Safety Requirements While Working on Scaffolding

  • Scaffolding shall be provided for all work that cannot be safely performed from the ground or from solid construction.
  • Every part of scaffolding including their supports shall be of good condition, suitable and sound material and having adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used.
  • It shall be properly maintained.
  • Construction and dismantling of every scaffolding parts shall be under the supervision of a competent authority.
  • Boards and planks used shall be of uniform thickness, closely laid, and securely fastened in place.
  • The erection, alterations and removal should be done only under the supervision of men who are thoroughly experienced in this work.
  • Every scaffolding shall be securely supported or suspended and it should be sufficiently and properly strutted or braced to ensure stability whenever necessary.
  • Every platform, gangway, run or stairs shall be kept free from any unnecessary obstruction, material, rubbish and projecting rails.
  • Each supporting member used in the construction of runways, platforms, ramps and scaffolds shall be securely fastened and braced. The supporting member shall be kept on a firm, rigid, smooth foundation of a nature that will prevent lateral displacement.
  • All fasteners and anchorages shall be inspected by a competent person.
  • Where planks are butt-jointed, two parallel putlogs shall be used and it should not be more than 100 mm apart, giving each plank sufficient support.
  • Nails shall be inserted to the holding piece to a depth of at least 12 times the diameter of the nail.
  • If scaffolding are to be used to a great extent or for a long period of time, a regular plank stairway wide enough to allow two people to pass shall be erected. Such stairways shall have handrails on both sides.
  • A scaffolding platform plank shall not project beyond its end supports to a distance exceeding 4 times the thickness of the plank unless it is effectively secured to prevent tipping.
  • All scaffolds or working platforms of any nature shall be securely fastened to the building or structure and if the building is of independent nature, they shall be braced properly.
  • Grease, mud, paint gravel or plaster or any such hazardous substances shall be removed from scaffolding immediately to prevent slipping on the platforms and sand or saw dust or other suitable material shall be spread.
  • Men shall not be allowed to work from scaffolding during storms or high winds.After heavy rains or storm, the scaffolds should be inspected by the site-in-charge. Scaffolds should also be inspected every fortnight, during use, by him and again before starting use. Where the joints or members are found defective, the joint should be set right and member replaced.
  • Safety codes should be strictly followed. Standard safety requirements are just as important for temporary structures as they are for permanent structures.

Authored by: Vikrant Mane

Vikrant Mane is a civil engineer by education but has found his passion in SEO. He works as an SEO specialist, helping websites grow with smart strategies and useful content.

3 thoughts on “Types of Scaffolding in Construction”

  1. It’s great that you mentioned how different scaffoldings are used depending on the work conditions. We are now trying to restore our ancestral house, however, we are having some trouble with reaching some high places. With that in mind, we should probably get some scaffolding.


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